Dear colleagues,
This is the first edition of our relaunched trust-wide newsletter. The focus is on training and development and we have excellent contributions from colleagues and schools unpacking some of the great things that have been happening in this field across the Lighthouse Schools Partnership. Belief in the difference that professional development makes is written into our DNA. We believe passionately in the lifelong and positive difference that education makes for our pupils and we are no exceptions to that rule in our own careers: we never stop learning.
In my own time, I have been working on a self-funded doctorate exploring the political governance of Multi-Academy Trusts. I managed to submit my thesis in the Christmas holidays. This has been an amazing experience. One of the reasons that I embarked on it was to see if, in my fifties, I could still manage the concentration and study stamina that I had drawn on in my vanished youth. It turns out that I could. More than anything else it has been a pleasure to read widely and craft writing on a grander scale than the reports and emails that usually constitute my written output.
Professional development like this lifts our eyes from the usual horizons of work and helps us stay fresh and enthusiastic. That is why it is our ambition to ensure that all of our colleagues have access to the right development to meet the needs of both their current job roles and their future career aspirations. The factor that sometimes limits us in meeting that ambition is affordability, but even there we are doing our best to ensure that we make the best of the resources available. An example of this is the NPQs that we are launching in-house this term. There is no cost to either school or participant and these new NPQs come with an excellent reputation in the sector. We are also working with the C of E Education Office to develop the number of apprenticeship programmes that we can roll out to our own staff and trying to find a cost-effective partner to work with to open up Masters level study for teachers and support staff.
I really hope that you will be interested in the stories that we have got to tell in The Beacon. If something sounds like an opportunity for you or if you have a suggestion of something that we could add to the offer, please let us know.
Gary Lewis
Chief Executive
In this edition of the Newsletter, we will take a look at the wide variety of CPD opportunities available to our staff, the impact this can have and how you can also make the most of these opportunities throughout your career in education.
Staff professional development truly is at the heart of all we do and we are proud of the enthusiasm and commitment of our staff in both participating and delivering CPD - both within our Trust and externally.
In order for our pupils to achieve the best outcomes we know we need to have the best staff working in our schools. Professional development is key to achieving this and has been a priority since the formation of Lighthouse Schools Partnership. The high quality and extensive CPD offer that we deliver through Lighthouse Learning allows us to achieve many our strategic aims including:
Strong and improving outcomes, especially for disadvantaged children and young people
A rich and exciting curriculum where our pupils thrive and develop character
Excellence in teaching, professional learning and staff development
Extraordinary opportunities for both pupils and professionals
Delivering more and improving quality through collaboration
A humane, ethical, ecological and generous culture in all our activities
Strong and strategic leadership and governance at all levels
An exciting development this term is our partnership with the Foundation of Educational Leadership to be a delivery partner for NPQs (starting this year with Teaching Learning and Senior Leadership and moving into a wider NPQ offer in September). Please see the article and poster below for more details.
Janine Ashman
Director of Learning
Introduction to Lighthouse Learning
The Lighthouse Schools Partnership offers a wide range of CPD opportunities, across the Trust and beyond, as Lighthouse Learning
- Networks
- Moderation Sessions
- Webinars
- Professional Qualifications
- INSET Days
Positive Changes at Blagdon Primary School
STAFF FOCUS - Jenny Campbell, Headteacher & Kerrie Burnell, SENDCo, Blagdon primary School
Following on from their recent Ofsted visit and glowing report, we spoke to Blagdon primary School Headteacher, Jenny Campbell and SENDCo Kerrie Burnell, about all the positive steps and improvements they have put into place at the school:
Blagdon has been a member of the LSP since October 2019. What positive changes or benefits have you seen, in that time, with regard to staff development:
Jenny (J) There have been many opportunities for staff development since joining LSP than were previously available under North Somerset. We have been able to benefit from learning from inspirational speakers and leaders in education such as Dylan William and Tom Sherrington who we would never have been able to get as speakers separately at small schools like us. We have also had numerous shared inset days, online webinars and shared staff meetings and network meetings which have contributed to the CPD of our staff and complemented what we do in school, particularly around subject leadership.
Initially, we were very much on the receiving end of much of this, however in the last 2 years we have increasingly supported other schools by sharing our own good practice and expertise with other schools and teachers. Most recently, Beth Brown has become History and Geography lead for the trust and Kerrie Burnell is supporting at Flax Bourton with a 3-day secondment. Whilst both of these are supporting others, they are also giving staff a form of professional development that we would be unable to provide within our own school.
This year, I am one of the group of Heads who have been given the opportunity to go on the Exemplary Leadership Programme. As well as hearing from many interesting people at the weekend launch conference in Birmingham and on the regular evening webinars – both published authors and the leadership of other schools - we have also had the opportunity to visit other schools and see them in action. This has been particularly interesting, seeing contrasting settings and the ways they work before reflecting on how this might inspire us in Blagdon. Doing this as a group of Heads has had the added benefit of giving us the opportunity for some interesting shared discussions as a group. This sort of CPD for Heads is really beneficial – having the opportunity to look outside of our trust but supported by LSP to do this.
Kerrie (K) The West100 programme has allowed me to do this too. The programme has been excellent so far. There have been some amazing speakers, including people like psychologists from the Anna Freud Centre and Jon Hutchinson and the chance to visit some very different and interesting schools. The focus of this programme is often around disadvantaged pupils and looking at what other schools do and the issues they face has been great for my development as an inclusion lead. The fact that there are four of us from LSP on this programme has been a great benefit for us too. I really like that, as a trust, people are invested in and grown if they show potential. As a small school we couldn’t afford this type of CPD but the funding and support from LSP makes this possible. I first arrived at Blagdon just before we joined LSP, and we joined the trust as I took on the SENDCO role. While the school paid for me to do the NASENCO course, the trust gave me a mentor SENDCO to work with. This really helped me gain confidence quickly in my role.
What positive changes have you seen when it comes to curriculum and pupil opportunities?
(J) When I arrived at Blagdon, the curriculum was outdated and often very much lacking in depth and focus. We quickly began updating it and I supported subject leaders to join LSP networks to help motivate them to change. Although it might seem ironic, Covid actually helped speed up this process! As a small school, delivering online teaching in a range of subjects was going to be challenging, particularly with mixed year groups. This enabled a faster ‘buy in’ to the developing LSP planning from staff than might have happened. Once we returned to ‘in person’ teaching, this developed further, with us personalising our curriculum to match our children, our mixed age classes, our 2-year planning cycle, our local area and community. We have further added a well-planned programme of wider opportunities as part of this personalisation of our curriculum. This was something that was noted by the Ofsted team when they visited as well. The work we have done around this as a school is now beginning to be shared by Beth across the trust.
(K) Opportunities for pupils are probably less visible within the trust and an area we’d like to further explore, particularly around sporting activities and subject specialists from secondary working more closely with us. The curriculum development and the work on online learning have supported us as teachers to ensure our children have good quality teaching both in the classroom and during online learning. The experience for LSP pupils was significantly better than many we have heard of beyond our trust.
How did you develop a vision for the distinctive approach to education at Blagdon?
(J) Blagdon is a small rural school in a beautiful location and our setting is a key part of who we are. We first started looking at our vision for Blagdon as I joined the school and we then joined LSP. Whilst joining the trust was incredibly important, so was maintaining our own unique identity. We did a lot of consulting about what really mattered to all stakeholders with the help of tea, coffee and cake and we had several sessions led by Governors to support this. What became clear was that play, outdoor learning and wider opportunities were very important to our local community. This was used as the framework on which our Explore, Excite, Excel vision was built. We were always keen to ensure that it wasn’t just ‘words on a wall’ but something that could be seen and was visible in what we do.
What is your single biggest take-away from your inspection you would share with LSP colleagues?
(J) Contrary to many experiences of Ofsted, we found our recent visit to be surprisingly positive! Preparation is key. I was ready with my ‘script’ of things I knew I would be asked and that I wanted to ensure I shared in the phone call. Staff were ready and incredibly eager to share what they knew and what they do in their classroom and across the school. One thing we have continued to work on over the last few years is communication and a shared vocabulary around the things we do as a school, particularly about what we are doing and our rationale. While all staff don’t know the reasons behind everything, nor should they, key decisions are shared and we work together to make improvements. As a result, when the Ofsted team followed up on aspects I had discussed in the initial phone call. Everyone gave the same message.
(K) For example, when looking at SEND and our use of TAs, they heard the same from Jenny, from me as SENDCO, from teachers and TAs in the classroom and then saw it in action in the lessons and in the pupil books. I knew I could let the teachers and TAs take the lead in the classroom during our joint learning walk with every confidence that the message about what we do would be the same.
(J) The confidence of our staff to ‘share’ as much good practice as they could and to enthuse about their subjects was also a key feature, supported by the preparation sessions we’d done as a school and with Neil Lankester just before the inspection began. We also weren’t afraid to ask them to look at the things we are really proud of as a school and to tell them our story so they would really get to know us. It has left us excited for the next steps in the Blagdon journey!
Expert CPD for all our staff
The opportunity to bring all staff together from across all of our schools is important to the LSP and it allows us to collaborate around key areas of work. Delivering at scale also means we can work with some of the top international educators. Following research around CPD, we know how essential it is for our staff to have expert input as part of their CPD journey.
LSP Primary INSET Day: Understanding Learning
In November all LSP primary teaching staff attended a joint LSP INSET Day focussing on pedagogy (the method and practice of teaching,) and Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction. We were delighted to have Tom Sherrington deliver this session for our staff.
We have worked with Tom before (in terms of curriculum development in 2020) and as we move our focus from what we teach to how we teach Tom's experience and knowledge supports this well, especially as he knows the context of our trust.
The material and ideas covered on this INSET Day will be enhanced and developed through school-led CPD and the use of 'Walk Thrus' (150 evidence-based teaching strategies) which every school in the LSP has a subscription to.
As a Trust we are currently working towards a trust-wide pedagogy framework, and this session helped form some of the key foundations of this work. Moving forward, a trust-wide approach to teaching and learning will be a valuable tool to support both the development of our teachers, and the progress of pupils, within our schools.
As Dylan Wiliam says. “We all need to improve, not because we aren’t good enough already but because we can always be better.”
Thank you very much to Tom, and to all staff who took part in the day.
Janine Ashman, Director of Learning
Image below - Tom Sherrington and LSP Primary Teaching Staff on Friday 17 November 2023
LSP Secondary INSET Day: Working Together
Pedagogy based training continued on Wednesday 22 November as staff from all four LSP secondary schools came together for the first time following Churchill Academy & Sixth Form joining the Trust this summer. The main aim of the day was to continue the collaboration that has already begun, whilst also considering some common teaching and learning approaches. School leaders had identified 'Universal Provision' and 'Barriers to Learning' as priorities and we wanted to run workshops and discussion groups about things that fell into both these themes.
It was a real pleasure to see colleagues from different schools discussing the needs of their subjects and sharing expertise. Feedback on the opportunity to collaborate and begin discussions about how we can get the best from each other, was overwhelmingly positive. In some cases, staff would have liked more specific actions from the workshops and talks, and this is something that we will build into future training sessions. Many members of staff have clearly been able to implement or tweak strategies as a result of the workshops, whereas for others they have served as a reminder of the impact of certain tools in the classroom.
It was also very powerful to see over 400 educational professionals together in one space giving us the reminder that we are all part of something bigger, and working together, across the Lighthouse Schools Partnership. We have so many peers and colleagues who we can turn to for advice and guidance.
LSP Secondary Schools have a further joint INSET Day on Monday 19 February 2024. Plans have been made following the collaborative department sessions in November and so departments to come together again to implement the extremely thoughtful ideas and show that excellent discussions took place.
In February we will also be offering our secondary 'support staff' the chance to come together in various schools and have access to a variety of training, along with the opportunity to network with people who do similar roles across each of our schools.
Ensuring that all secondary staff have access to appropriate training is really important for the success of all our schools and anything that we can do to facilitate opportunities to both learn together and from each other will remain a priority.
As our Roadmap moves us towards a more common approach to aspects of secondary education, continued collaboration is the key to our success and is a key benefit of working within a Trust.
Natalie Wilcox, Director of Secondary Education
Image below - LSP Secondary Teaching Staff gathered at the start of the day on Wednesday 22 November 2023.
Leadership Development – Headteachers
We know the correlation between great schools and great leaders, so it’s essential that we make sure our Headteachers have the best professional development available to them. We look beyond our locality for this and have funded a group of seven headteachers to take part in the Exemplary Leadership Programme this academic year.
STAFF FOCUS - Richard Riorden, Headteacher, Golden Valley School
This year, along with a small group of headteachers, I have been fortunate enough to be taking part in the Exemplary Leadership Programme. Our first term involved a 1-day conference in Birmingham, which included presentations by Doug Lemov, Tom Bennett and Barry Smith. The focus has been on developing a behaviour curriculum with a number of after-school seminars, including presentations by exemplar schools. As part of the programme I also visited St. Matthew’s CofE School in Birmingham, run by Sonia Thompson, with two headteacher colleagues. Our own St Peter's Primary has also hosted an ELP visit, and Hannah More and Grove Schools will host in the spring term.
The benefit of the sessions has been the access to the high quality CPD and the inspiring school visits which have informed my thinking around my own school. You also have access to a great leadership library of resources.
The course is an investment in your own professional development which heads so often place lowest on our list. "If teachers can be better, not because they aren't already good enough, then leaders should and must model this.".
Aspiring Headteachers - West 100
LSP are delighted to be one of the founding partners of the West100 programme led by the Reach Foundation. This programme will work with 20 aspiring headteachers for each of the next 5 years with a focus on reducing the disadvantaged gap in our region. This is a groundbreaking one-year programme that combines residentials, national school visits and research-led seminars to prepare our next generation of headteachers. There is also a trip to Boston and New York to see the work of the Uncommon Charter Schools. Recruitment for the 24/25 cohort is starting – please get in touch if you would like more information.
Picture above: W100 Participants - Clare Mason (Backwell Secondary), Kerrie Burnell (Blagdon), Corrine Clare (Wrington) and Hollie Cefai (Whitchurch)
The selection day for the first W100 was a rigorous day that enabled candidates to consider their leadership journey and big questions around their values, inspiration and challenges. Candidates shared their educational philosophy and judged of their ability to respond toother and reflect on feedback given. We were delighted that all four LSP candidates where successful in the selection day.
The W100 programme started with a three-day residential, quickly followed by a series of expert-led seminars and school visits in London. Participants have worked with exceptional Headteachers who have strong vision and values and have shared their leadership journey with a perfect mix of the practical and inspirational. These visits have given participants the opportunity to reflect and challenge their current practice and see their current schools through different eyes. They have taken these reflections back to their own schools and headteachers.
The networking opportunities and sense of belonging to the group is a strong theme for all candidates. The programme has made the step towards becoming a Headteacher more realistic, human and accessible, and given them a supportive team as they take the next steps towards their goal.
Lighthouse Learning: Professional Development for those in Governance Roles within the LSP
We are very lucky to have a strong team of experienced and committed volunteers on our Trust Board and Local Governing Bodies. The insight and rigour you provide, supported by our team of Clerks, is essential to the successful running of our Trust.
As well as statutory training we also recognise that Trustees, Governors and Clerks should continue to develop their skills and knowledge so they can better support and challenge the LSP schools they work within.
We have pulled together all of the professional development offer for Trustees, Governors and Clerks for the rest of this academic year (2023-24) into one document.
This includes networks and forums as well as webinars on specific subjects and external links to training, including the NGA and specific CPD for those working with church schools.
Click here to view the Lighthouse Learning: Professional Development Training offer for Governance 2023-24
iAM Compliant - free CPD resource library for all LSP staff
Not only does iAM Compliant cover essential/statutory training it also offers a wide range of CPD training resources and videos from customer service and team management to wellbeing and inclusivity.
Using their short videos you can learn a new skill in 'bite-size' chunks as well as undertaking more in-depth programmes of training to aid your personal development and career goals.
All staff within the LSP, as well as Governors, are entitled to an iAM Compliant account and can access their training offer free of charge.
Any training you do complete will be logged on iAM Compliant to support your training record.
Simply log into your iAM Compliant account and visit the Training section to get started!
LSP curriculum leadership opportunities
We have had a huge focus on curriculum development over the past five years and staff across the LSP have collaborated to produce curriculums in history, geography and science. This year, to support the review, revision and implementation of curriculum in our schools we have appointed some primary curriculum leads. These are exciting and innovative roles which will have a great impact on the outcomes for our pupils and also offer teachers the opportunity to work beyond their school.
STAFF FOCUS - Sara Pearson, Science Lead, Backwell Junior School
Taking on the role as Science Subject Lead teacher for the trust was a great way to have a wider impact beyond my own classroom and school. It allowed me to both share my own knowledge and experience of leading a core subject area but also helped me to make connections with other practitioners who shared my interest and passion in the teaching of Science.
Advancing further into the role of Consultant Teacher, opened up further opportunities to explore pedagogies and research into the teaching of science. Now leading the Science Networks gives me the time and space to research and develop my own knowledge but also to gain a greater understanding of the needs of the Trust and how to support a wider group of teachers in the teaching of what I consider to be one of the most exciting and interesting - albeit daunting for some - of subjects.
NPQs – Preparing for all levels of leadership
NPQs have been developed over the last few years, offering a set of nationally created programmes, in new areas such as Leading Professional Development or Behaviour and Culture, and alongside the traditional Senior Leadership Programme. LSP are looking forward to working in partnership with a national NPQ provider to deliver NPQs to our staff (see poster below).
One of the new NPQs that is particularly exciting for us as a Trust is the NPQ Senior Leadership. This supports existing Heads who aspire to work beyond their current school, either across schools or at Trust level.
If you are interested in undertaking one of these NPQs please ensure you have expressed your interest by 12noon on Friday 12 January 2024.
Visit out website to find out more: www.lsp.org.uk/npqs
National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL)
STAFF FOCUS - Victoria Reyes: Headteacher, Northleaze C of E Primary School
The NPQEL is a programme designed for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a trust-wide role with responsibility for leading aspects of school improvement across more than one school. Although this is not me at the moment, I am now in my eleventh year of Headship (spanning two schools) and beginning to think about what could be next.
The concept of the NPQEL attracted me as it delves into the areas of trust culture, organisational management, professional development, behaviour, curriculum and assessment and SEND over an 18-month duration, incorporating online webinars, small group coaching sessions and three two-day residentials.
Recommended by an LSP colleague, I selected the Church of England NPQEL and am thoroughly enjoying the content, collated research, carefully selected speakers and opportunities to network with Headteachers and Executive Leaders from across the country.
The course has been, and continues to be, a fantastic vehicle within which to consider leadership on a wider scale and how the strategies and vision deployed in a one-form entry primary school, for example, could apply to more than one school. We are regularly challenged to answer the question: ‘How do Executive Leaders ensure their vision for excellent outcomes and provision for all pupils is lived out in all schools?’
The course is motivating, engaging and a great opportunity to explore leadership in a wider context.
LSP Opportunities Register
As a large multi academy trust we value the opportunity to nurture and grow staff within the LSP. This is key for us in terms of succession planning but also gives our staff the opportunity to develop new skills and progress their careers. Importantly it also gives us capacity to support schools and deliver a fuller school improvement offer. Recent opportunities for our staff (both teaching and support staff) include:
Secondments to other schools or the LSP central team
Permanent moves to other schools or the LSP central team
Supporting other schools in key areas of school improvement
Appointment as Lead or Consultant Teachers
A great example of the cross-school opportunities we are able to offer staff will begin next term when one of our Primary School SENDCOs will start a part-time secondment at Flax Bourton Primary as Deputy Headteacher. This is a fantastic chance to take on the DHT role, whilst also supporting another school in the Trust.
If you would like to register you interest on the LSP Opportunities Register, click the button below:
Register Interest
We wish to congratulate and thank the following people for the contributions they have made to our Trust:
25 years' service
Paula Barrett – Hannah More Infants
Veronica Rogers – Gordano Secondary
Angela Seddon – West Leigh Infants
Moira Mason – Backwell Juniors
Janet Riddiford – St Andrew’s Primary
Jane Arney - St Andrew’s Primary
Isla Hobbs – Backwell Secondary
Clare Pearson – Blagdon Primary
Catherine Peprell – High Down Infants
Susan Reece – Yatton Infants
20 years' service & Retired
Deborah Crosby – Gordano Secondary
Lighthouse Schools Partnership are proud to serve almost 13,000 children across 30 schools. Here is just a snippet of the recent news highlights from our LSP schools:
Hannah More Infants and Grove Juniors thrilled to receive Positive Playtime Award
Hannah More Infants and Grove Juniors were recently awarded a Positive Playtime Award, recognising their outstanding play provision across the two schools.
At the start of 2023, the schools began a programme to enrich and enhance their children’s play through the Positive Playtime Award training programme with Therese Hoyle, author of 101 Playtime Games and founder of Flourishing Schools and Positive Playtimes. They recognised the value and importance of positive playtime experiences and how they support children’s physical and emotional health as well as their enjoyment of school.
Over the past ten months, the school staff have worked to introduce zoned playground areas, craze of the week and active playground games, role play and dressing up areas, enhanced play equipment and quiet areas and developed the role of Year 6 Playleaders and friendship zones. As a result, in November 2023, they were assessed and awarded the Positive Playtime Award.
The assessor noted: ‘It was a complete joy visiting your schools and seeing the Positive Playtime transformation. Thank you for making playtimes awesome for your children and creating outstanding play provision.'
Churchill Academy & Sixth Form wins the North Somerset Schools Cross Country Championships
Twelve North Somerset schools competed in the North Somerset Cross Country championships, which was held in November 2023. The competition was a tough challenge for the student cross country competitors, but despite the muddy conditions and the difficult course, the students from Churchill Academy & Sixth Form placed in the top five in all six races.
The students' impressive efforts and determination led to Churchill securing the 1st place position in the competition. Churchill Academy & Sixth Form now advances on to the Avon and Somerset Cross Country Championships, which will be held on January 20th 2024.
Huge congratulations to the Churchill team - and the best of luck in the Avon and Somerset Championships!
Blagdon Primary School rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted
Following a graded Ofsted inspection in November, Blagdon Primary School has been judged to be a Good school in all areas. The children say ‘something good happens every day’ and parents comment that the school knows its pupils well and provides a nurturing environment in which they can flourish.
Gary Lewis, CEO of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership, commented: “We have known for a long time that Blagdon was a good school, but it is very pleasing to have the official confirmation of this in a graded Ofsted Inspection. Our Trust is very proud of the work that Jenny Campbell, her colleagues and her governors have done to transform the environment and the educational experience at Blagdon. It is now one of Lighthouse Schools Partnership’s best schools.”
The report shares that they are ‘ambitious for all pupils’ and that teachers have ‘strong subject knowledge’ and ‘share their joy of reading’. Pupils with special educational needs or disabilities are well supported, as are those who may have other barriers to learning.
Northleaze Primary School students attend national Anti-Bullying Ambassadors training
Congratulations to the new Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at Northleaze Primary School who spent the day at Royal High School in Bath on Wednesday 15th November, learning how to be an ‘ABA’ with the Princess Diana Award. It was a great opportunity for Northleaze School to be represented at this national training day.
The ten young people from Year 5 and 6 were brilliant and really did let their light shine throughout the day. Their first whole school project, as part of the Princess Diana award and their new roles, will centre around pupils’ wellbeing and how to enhance and celebrate this at school.
Music Mark Award!
We are delighted to announce that Northleaze Primary School has been granted the Music Mark Award 2023 – 2024, which celebrates the value that is placed on music throughout the school. Music Mark is the UK Association for Music Education, championing and supporting access to music for all children and young people and Northleaze are thrilled that the award has acknowledged all they do to inspire, celebrate and motivate their young people in all things musical!
Whitchurch Primary School Students attend four day Community of Purpose trip to Bordeaux
On Monday 2nd October, five students from Whitchurch Primary school joined 25 other children from six primary schools across Bristol, on a trip to Bristol’s twin city of Bordeaux. This exciting opportunity saw them taking part in four days of sport, culture and educational programmes that will last in their memories forever.
This trip was organised by award-winning Community of Purpose and included a football match against a local Bordeaux school and a visit to watch a professional football game at The Matmut Stadium.
Wishing you all a great start to 2024!