Welcome to the LSP
I am delighted to welcome you to the Lighthouse Schools Partnership (LSP).
Since forming in 2016 our trust has grown to 30 schools, with over 12,000 pupils and 1,500 staff and we are so excited that you will be joining us.
Our schools are able to offer a fantastic education to our children and young people because of the exceptional staff across our organisation.
Whatever your role and whether you are at the start of your career or have changed roles to work with us, I really hope you enjoy being part of the LSP.
Gary Lewis
Chief Executive

New Staff Welcome Meeting
As a Trust we host new staff welcome events three times a year. We will email you your invitation to attend the next appropriate Welcome Event in due course where we will cover a lot of the below in more detail. It is also a great opportunity to meet some key members of the LSP Central Team and meet others new to the LSP.
Find out more about the Lighthouse Schools Partnership
Please take a few moments to take a look through the following links and information, which cover some key benefits and systems for LSP employees.
Our Vision, Values and Priorities
Employee Systems: payslips, policies and staff benefits
Professional Development for our Staff
At the LSP we aim to:
This is why we have a comprehensive offer of CPD and training for our staff.
From Trust-wide INSET days, to subject networks and online learning as well as apprenticeships and NPQS we aim for there to be something for everyone.
The Beacon - LSP Staff Newsletter
We are proud to publish regular editions of The Beacon - the LSP Staff Newsletter.
It contains good news, achievements and updates from across our Trust.